Thursday, October 27, 2011

Grocery List--Typical Sunday At My House

Sunday at my house:
1. Sleep
2. Shower
3. Church
4. Lunch
5. Chillin
6. Supper
7. TV
8. Bedtime

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Goldilocks and the three bears pitch

310 West Seventh Street,
Big Timber, MT

October 11, 2011

1000 Flower Street
Glendale, California
(818) 695-5000

To whom in may concern

It has been brought to our attention, while doing an assignment for our Film and Fiction class at the SGHS, that the book The Three Bears has not been made into a feature length film.  The three of us have read the book and find it very intriguing.  We would very much like to see it turned into a film.

We have enclosed ten pages of our short screen play for the movie as well as our storyboard for that portion of the script.  We wrote it so that not only would it be entertaining for children to watch, adults could enjoy it as well.  The book is a very well known story.  Not only have we built upon that story but we have added some action and humor of our own that would entertain people of all ages.  Many different groups of people would want to watch the movie, therefore there would be a large profit.  

Although the screenplay is still in a very rough stage, it has a beautiful flow and we really think it would make a great movie.  We would need your funds and assets to accomplish this.  We really believe that there is great opportunity here and would love to work with your company.


Colten Wheeler, Wyatt LaVoy, and Branden Timm
Students at the SGHS

Enclosed (2)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Max Choosing Teams

I think that it was easy for Max to pick teams for the war because all he did was put his favorites on his team and the others on the opposing team. Judith, Ira, Alexander, and the bull are on the bad team while himself, Carol, KW, and Douglas are put on the good team. He started out with Judith on the bad team because of their fight earlier and since he doesn't like her. He puts Ira and Alexander on the team with her because they are always with Judith and he doesn't want to split them up. And the bull goes on the bad team because Max does not like him. Max puts himself on the good team because he is the king and he says he has to be good. Carol and KW go on the good team because they are friends to Max and he wants them to get back together and to quit fighting. Douglas goes on the team because him and Carol are friends. I think it was unfair how the teams were chosen because Max played favorites and his team had more talent and beat the other team.
I think that the bad guys in other movies are the characters that cause conflict against the main character who is always the good guy.