Monday, December 19, 2011

Water For Elephants: Drying Up Fans Expectations

By: Wyatt Lavoy


Based off of the book by Sara Gruen, Water For Elephants is a love story starring Robert Pattinson, Reece Witherspoon, and Christopher Waltz. An older Jacob starts off by telling the story of how he became involved in the circus. Jacob Jancowski (Pattinson) has hit rock bottom. With only his final exam in the way of receiving his Cornell degree in vet science, he gets news that his parents have died and the bank own all of their possesions. With nothing to lose, he jumps on a train in hopes of going somewhere with work. Unknowingly to him, he jumps aboard a car of the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show On Earth, owned by a paranoid schizophrenic August (Waltz) and his beautiful wife, Marlena (Witherspoon). Jacob is welcomed into the business as the shows vetrinarian. It's not long before Jacob falls in love with Marlena. As time goes on, the show buys an elephant named Rosie. When it seems like Rosie does not obey, August beats her. However, Jacob discovers that she knows Polish, and Rosie and Marlena become a hit. Then one night August and Jacob get into a fight when August slaps Marlena. The circus goes downhill from there. When the show collapses Jacob and Marlena run away and get married. The movie ends with the elderly Jacob rejoining the circus as a ticket seller.

Jacob with Rosie

In Depth Analysis: The Plot
The plot of the movie for the most part stuck to that of the book, but the plot of the book is still better. The Plots differ in many ways. The movie plot leaves out details and goes over events too quickly. For people that have not read the book but saw the movie, more information is needed for the plot because it is not explained in the movie. Everything happens so fast in the movie and it could be hard to keep up for those that have not read the book first. The movie has a different order of events than the book. In the book, Marlena and Jacob stay at the cirus for three more weeks before the animals escape and the show collapses. It is better in the book because the movie rushes everything but the book builds more suspense and tensions. The movie also leaves out a key character from the book, Uncle Al. In the book, August works for uncle Al, who owns the circus, but in the movie, there is no Uncle Al and August is both characters put into one. It was better in the book to have Uncle Al because he is too important to leave out since he is the owner of the circus and makes all of the dicisions. Another way that the two differed was that in the book, the story is told by jumping back and forth between old Jacob and young Jacob, but in the movie, older Jacob is showed just at the beginning and at the end. However, this change is better because it would have been hard to do it that way for the movie. All in all, the plot to the movie stayed with the plot of the book, minus a couple of changes. Water for Elephants is a great story to read and to watch, but reading the book is better. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Marlena Diary Entry

Dear Diary-
It seems that we are all having problems. Uncle Al is so stressed these days trying to beat Ringling, his plans with Rosie not working out, and most of all being short of money. August is fed up with the way that Al is running the show. He worries too much about me and Jacob when there is nothing going on. And Jacob has problems, too. I know that he has feelings for me. I know about his friend Camel that he is hiding in his stock car. And I know that things between him and August are getting worse. But diary, I have problems too. I try my very hardest to to cover them up and act like everything is alright, even though they definately are not. Its only a matter of time before something terrible happens. I can feel it deep down. August is due any day now to explode. The smallest thing will set him off. I hate him for this. I hate living in fear every second of every day living in fear that he is going to flip. Sometimes I actually want to kill him. I scare myself when I think about it. I miss my family, very much. I think about them often. I wish that things could have played out differently then they did. Yes, it seems as though we all have our problems, but somehow the show must go on. It's a crazy damned life, thats for sure. I only hope that everything turns out to be okay in the end. Until next time, dear diary. Your friend- Marlena

Friday, December 2, 2011

Modern Day Circus

The circus in todays world is not what it used to be. The circus used to be something that everyone in town went to and got excited about. Now days, circuses aren't as big of a deal. But circuses have evolved into fairs, which are similar to circuses. A fair is like a circus, but with more to offer. The circus part of the fair is the midaway that has freaks, animals, sideshows, and games. But in addition to all of that, fairs have concerts, 4-H shows, vendors, food, and most importantly, carnival rides like ferris wheels. The circuses of long and today are very alike in some ways but they are different from each other.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Forrest Gump

The moral of the story in Forrest Gump is that you should live your life to the fullest and not let anything hold you back. Forrest could have lived his life differently than he did because of his autism. But he didn't let it get in the way and his life weas full of wild adventures. I think that we should all have an attitude like Forrest.
When I read this book I got a lot out of it. I got a few laughs and good entertainment from the book. I liked the book in the beginning and at the end but I didn't like the middle of the story. I thought the story had a good ending. I am glad that we are watching the movie in class now because I have never seen it before and now I can compare the book and movie and see what I like better.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


On Wednesday afternoon, a young girl was reported to have broken into the home of a family of bears. She is due in court next Tuesday, facing charges of aggravated burglary, felony breaking and enetering, and misdeamenor tampering of evidence. She also faces a law suit against the victims. Prosecutors allege that the girl,10, is called "Goldilocks", and her last name is being witheld because she is a minor, broke into the home of the three bears while they were away for the day. Police began recievings tips of a possible home invasion from neighbors around noon, but no officers were sent to investigate. When the three bears returned in the evening, they report to have found their home "destroyed". The troubled girl stole food, sat on furniture, and made her way into one of the victims beds and fell asleep. On Wednesday evening, emergency responders rushed to the residence after recieving a frantic 9-1-1 call from one of the terrified victims. Goldilocks was arrested and booked into the county jail on a $500,000 bond. As of Thursady, she had not posted bail and continues to be held in jail. The bears are seeking an undisclosed amount of money from the intruder to cover the cost of damages.

Friday, November 4, 2011

First Halloween Memory

The first Halloween that I can remember was in pre school. At the time, Peter Pan was my most favorite movie and so I was Peter Pan for Halloween. My grandma made my costume. I wore a green vest and sweat pants and a green hat. I also had a belt with a wrench on it to make it look like I had a sword. I wore my costume to pre school like everyone else did and that night my mom took me and my brothers, who were both dressed up as dalmations, trick-or-treating. It was pretty fun and thats the first Halloween that I remember.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Grocery List--Typical Sunday At My House

Sunday at my house:
1. Sleep
2. Shower
3. Church
4. Lunch
5. Chillin
6. Supper
7. TV
8. Bedtime