Thursday, December 8, 2011

Marlena Diary Entry

Dear Diary-
It seems that we are all having problems. Uncle Al is so stressed these days trying to beat Ringling, his plans with Rosie not working out, and most of all being short of money. August is fed up with the way that Al is running the show. He worries too much about me and Jacob when there is nothing going on. And Jacob has problems, too. I know that he has feelings for me. I know about his friend Camel that he is hiding in his stock car. And I know that things between him and August are getting worse. But diary, I have problems too. I try my very hardest to to cover them up and act like everything is alright, even though they definately are not. Its only a matter of time before something terrible happens. I can feel it deep down. August is due any day now to explode. The smallest thing will set him off. I hate him for this. I hate living in fear every second of every day living in fear that he is going to flip. Sometimes I actually want to kill him. I scare myself when I think about it. I miss my family, very much. I think about them often. I wish that things could have played out differently then they did. Yes, it seems as though we all have our problems, but somehow the show must go on. It's a crazy damned life, thats for sure. I only hope that everything turns out to be okay in the end. Until next time, dear diary. Your friend- Marlena

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