Friday, September 30, 2011

The Last Time I Laughed Until I cried

The last time that I laughed until I cried happened about a month ago at the Billings Fair. It was the last day of the fair and I went there with my family. The ride that I wanted to ride the most was called the Zipper. On this ride, you are strapped into a cage and flipped upside down forwards and backwards and up and down. Its pretty fun but you are not allowed to ride it alone and you must have a partner, but no one in my family was brave enough to go with me. So as I was walking around the fair I happened to run into Katie Fitz and Carlie. Katie said that she had wanted to ride the Zipper too but Cartlie was too afraid to go with her. So her and I decided to go on it together and we did. But I forgot that I had a bunch of change in my pocket before I got on the ride. Once the ride started and we began flipping, the coins in my pocket started flying out. They were ratlling around in the cage and hitting us in the face and it was pretty hilarious at the time. Eventually they fell through the screen of the cage and onto the ground. My phone was in my pocket too but luckily I was able to grab it mid air. By the time the ride was over I didnt have any money left in my pocket and that is the last time I laughed until I cried. THE END

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Observation by a Movie Critic

My observation of this movie directed by Robert Redford  was good. I observed many things about this film and I will share with you what I observed.
First, I observed that he did capture the spirit of the novella in the movie. The spirit of the book is happy and sad towards the end. The spirit of the movie I think is the same as it is in the novella.
Second, I observed the plot changes. There were many things that were added o the plot in the movie and also many things that were dropped from the story. Major events that were added to the plot were Paul and Norman stealing the boat with their friends, when Jessie and Norman first meet at the dance, and the scene where Jessie drives Norman home on the railroad tracks through the tunnel. Some things that were dropped from the book were that Norman and Jessie had already met and married and were living in Wolf Creek, and Jessie's brother Ken,his wife,and the part where they all go fishing together with Neal hungover was left out.
I also observed the cinematography of this film. I thought that the filming crew did a great job of filming this movie. I liked how they shot scenes of nature. I think that this film represents Montana well. If I would have directed this film, I would have kept every ones ages the same as they were in the novella, but it turned out to be okay that every ones age was changed.
Overall, in my opinion, I think that this film was directed and filmed excellently and I strongly encourage everyone to watch this movie and read this book.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Loving Without Understanding

Loving completely without completely understanding means to me that you can love something or someone even if you dont know everything or very much at all about it. In the story A River Runs Through It, everyone in the Mclean family loves Paul even though they do not know everything about him. They all hear stories and rumors but none of them know exactly the trouble Paul is in with his drinking and gambling habits. But even though they do not know everything about him, they still love him and care about him. That is what this quote from the story means to me.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Taking Risks

The quote means to me that if you want something to happen bad enough, then you might have to take a chance and risk something in order to get what you want. In A River runs Through It, Norman wants to catch the big fish that he sees in the water. He had to risk losing his fly in the bushes if he wanted to catch the fish. But unfortunately, when he does catch the fish his line does get stuck in the bushes growing on hte bank. When it gets stuck he loses the fish, and Norman doesn't succed at catching the fish.
One time I had to take a risk when I wanted to go to the movie after my mom said I couldn't go. But I really wanted to see it so I went anyways and took the risk of getting caught. But I did not get caught and I got to see the movie so I triamumphed in this situation.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Finding Peace

The passage "he was anxious to be in the hills to restore his soul" in A River Runs Through it means that he liked to go out into the hills to get away from everything and clear his head. To "restore one's soul" means that you stop everything else and take time to do something that you like doing and relax. To find peace I go out and walk with my dog or listen to music.