Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Observation by a Movie Critic

My observation of this movie directed by Robert Redford  was good. I observed many things about this film and I will share with you what I observed.
First, I observed that he did capture the spirit of the novella in the movie. The spirit of the book is happy and sad towards the end. The spirit of the movie I think is the same as it is in the novella.
Second, I observed the plot changes. There were many things that were added o the plot in the movie and also many things that were dropped from the story. Major events that were added to the plot were Paul and Norman stealing the boat with their friends, when Jessie and Norman first meet at the dance, and the scene where Jessie drives Norman home on the railroad tracks through the tunnel. Some things that were dropped from the book were that Norman and Jessie had already met and married and were living in Wolf Creek, and Jessie's brother Ken,his wife,and the part where they all go fishing together with Neal hungover was left out.
I also observed the cinematography of this film. I thought that the filming crew did a great job of filming this movie. I liked how they shot scenes of nature. I think that this film represents Montana well. If I would have directed this film, I would have kept every ones ages the same as they were in the novella, but it turned out to be okay that every ones age was changed.
Overall, in my opinion, I think that this film was directed and filmed excellently and I strongly encourage everyone to watch this movie and read this book.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Wyatt! I'm enjoying your longer blog entries! :)
